Moodle Development Kit ====================== A collection of tools meant to make developers' lives easier. Requirements ============ - Linux or Mac OS - Python 2.7 - MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL - Git v1.7.7 or greater Most of the tools work on Moodle 1.9 onwards, but some CLI scripts required by MDK might not be available in all versions. Usage ===== The commands are called using that form:: mdk Get some help on a command using:: mdk --help Also check the `wiki `_. Installation ============ Python package -------------- You need the `pip `_ to do this:: sudo pip install moodle-sdk mdk init That's it! On Debian-based systems, you will probably need to install the following packages: sudo apt-get install python-pip libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev python-dev Homebrew -------- Using `Homebrew `_, please refer to this `formula `_. Git --- 1. Clone the repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: cd /opt sudo git clone git:// moodle-sdk 2. Install the dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will need the tool `pip `_ to install the packages required by Python. :: sudo pip install -r /opt/moodle-sdk/requirements.txt On Debian-based systems, you will probably need to install the following packages: sudo apt-get install python-pip libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev python-dev 3. Make executable and accessible ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: sudo chmod +x /opt/moodle-sdk/ sudo ln -s /opt/moodle-sdk/ /usr/local/bin/mdk 4. Set up the basics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assuming that you are using Apache, which is set up to serve the files from /var/www, leave the default values as they are in ``mdk init``, except for your remote and the database passwords. :: mkdir ~/www sudo ln -s ~/www /var/www/m mdk init You're all set. Optional ~~~~~~~~ To activate bash completion:: sudo ln -s /opt/moodle-sdk/extra/bash_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/moodle-sdk To activate goto commands (``gt`` and ``gtd``), add the following to ~/.bashrc:: if [ -f /opt/moodle-sdk/extra/goto_instance ]; then . /opt/moodle-sdk/extra/goto_instance . /opt/moodle-sdk/extra/goto_instance.bash_completion fi Command list ============ alias ----- Set up aliases of your Moodle commands. **Example** This line defines the alias 'upall', for 'moodle update --all' :: mdk alias add upall "update --all" backport -------- Backport a branch to another instance of Moodle. **Examples** Assuming we are in a Moodle instance, this backports the current branch to the version 2.2 and 2.3 :: mdk backport --version 22 23 Backports the branch MDL-12345-23 from the instance stable_23 to the instance stable_22, and pushes the new branch to your remote :: mdk backport stable_23 --branch MDL-12345-23 --version 22 --push backup ------ Backup a whole instance so that it can be restored later. **Examples** Backup the instance named stable_master :: mdk backup stable_master List the backups :: mdk backup --list Restore the second backup of the instance stable_master :: mdk backup --restore stable_master_02 behat ----- Get the instance ready for acceptance testing (Behat), and run the test feature(s). **Examples** :: mdk behat -r --tags=@core_completion create ------ Create a new instance of Moodle. It will be named according to your config file. **Examples** Create a new instance of Moodle 2.1 :: mdk create --version 21 Create an instance of Moodle 2.2 using PostgreSQL from the integration remote, and run the installation script. :: mdk create --version 22 --engine pgsql --integration --install config ------ Set your MDK settings from the command line. **Examples** Show the list of your settings :: mdk config list Change the value of the setting ```` to ``/var/www/repositories`` :: mdk config set /var/www/repositories css --- CSS related functions. **Example** Compile the LESS files from Bootstrapbase :: mdk css --compile doctor ------ Perform some checks on the environment to identify possible problems, and attempt to fix them automatically. fix --- Create a branch from an issue number on the tracker (MDL-12345) and sets it to track the right branch. **Examples** In a Moodle 2.2 instance, this will create (and checkout) a branch named MDL-12345-22 which will track upstream/MOODLE_22_STABLE. :: mdk fix MDL-12345 mdk fix 12345 info ---- Display information about the instances on the system. **Examples** List the instances :: mdk info --list Display the information known about the instance *stable_master* :: mdk info stable_master install ------- Run the command line installation script with all parameters set on an existing instance. **Examples** :: mdk install --engine mysqli stable_master js -- JS related functions. **Example** Compile the JS modules in Atto :: mdk js shift --plugin editor_atto Generate the complete YUI API documentation mdk js doc phpunit ------- Get the instance ready for PHPUnit tests, and run the test(s). **Examples** :: mdk phpunit -u repository/tests/repository_test.php plugin ------ Look for a plugin on and downloads it into your instance. **Example** :: mdk plugin download repository_evernote purge ----- Purge the cache. **Example** To purge the cache of all the instances :: mdk purge --all pull ---- Pulls a patch using the information from a tracker issue. **Example** Assuming we type that command on a 2.3 instance, pulls the corresponding patch from the issue MDL-12345 in a testing branch :: mdk pull --testing 12345 push ---- Shortcut to push a branch to your remote. **Examples** Push the current branch to your repository :: mdk push Force a push of the branch MDL-12345-22 from the instance stable_22 to your remote :: mdk push --force --branch MDL-12345-22 stable_22 rebase ------ Fetch the latest branches from the upstream remote and rebase your local branches. **Examples** This will rebase the branches MDL-12345-xx and MDL-56789-xx on the instances stable_22, stable_23 and stable_master. And push them to your remote if successful. :: mdk rebase --issues 12345 56789 --version 22 23 master --push mdk rebase --issues MDL-12345 MDL-56789 --push stable_22 stable_23 stable_master remove ------ Remove an instance, deleting every thing including the database. **Example** :: mdk remove stable_master run --- Execute a script on an instance. The scripts are stored in the scripts directory. **Example** Set the instance stable_master ready for development :: mdk run dev stable_master tracker ------- Gets some information about the issue on the tracker. **Example** :: $ mdk tracker 34543 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MDL-34543: New assignment module - Feedback file exists for an assignment but not shown in the Feedback files picker Bug - Critical - Closed (Fixed) 2012-08-17 07:25 -------------------------------------------------------[ V: 7 - W: 7 ]-- Reporter : Paul Hague (paulhague) on 2012-07-26 08:30 Assignee : Eric Merrill (emerrill) Peer reviewer : Damyon Wiese (damyon) Integrator : Dan Poltawski (poltawski) Tester : Tim Barker (timb) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ uninstall --------- Uninstall an instance: removes config file, drops the database, deletes dataroot content, ... update ------ Fetch the latest stables branches from the upstream remote and pull the changes into the local stable branch. **Examples** This updates the instances stable_22 and stable_23 :: mdk update stable_22 stable_23 This updates all your integration instances and runs the upgrade script of Moodle. :: mdk update --integration --upgrade upgrade ------- Run the upgrade script of your instance. **Examples** The following runs an upgrade on your stable branches :: mdk upgrade --stable This will run an update an each instance before performing the upgrade process :: mdk upgrade --all --update Scripts ======= You can write custom scripts and execute them on your instances using the command ``mdk run``. MDK looks for the scripts in the *scripts* directories and identifies their type by reading their extension. For example, a script called 'helloworld.php' will be executed as a command line script from the root of an installation. :: # From anywhere on the system $ mdk run helloworld stable_master # Is similar to typing the following command $ cp /path/to/script/helloworld.php /path/to/moodle/instances/stable_master $ cd /path/to/moodle/instances/stable_master $ php helloworld.php Scripts are very handy when it comes to performing more complexed tasks. Shipped scripts --------------- The following scripts are available with MDK: * ``dev``: Changes a portion of Moodle settings to enable development mode * ``enrol``: Enrols users in any existing course * ``undev``: Reverts the changes made by ``dev`` * ``users``: Creates a set of users * ``webservices``: Does all the set up of webservices for you License ======= Licensed under the `GNU GPL License `_