*This fork is basically to keep track of hacks I do for our personal cabs. I doubt much here will be useful to anyone else but hey, who knows. OpenITG - an open-source rhythm dancing game which is a fork of StepMania 3.95 with the goal of adding arcade-like ITG-style behavior and serving as a drop-in replacement for the ITG binary on arcade cabinents. Project homepage: https://github.com/openitg/openitg/wiki Project bug tracker: https://github.com/openitg/openitg/issues Project IRC channel: #openitg on irc.badnik.com Project source code: https://github.com/openitg/openitg * TODOs Short-term 1. Getting Started Guide - build and development 2. streamline build and release process - works out of box for arcade and home 3. test / bugfix beta-3 (currently master branch) 4. self-contained cache-rebuilding solution 5. OpenGL Driver uses fix function pipeline rather than shader Long-term 1. Kernel source with ITG patches to rebuild kernels (talk to us, should live in a separate repo) 2. StepMania 4.0 LUA Bindings 3. StepMania 4.0 Theme metrics * How to check-out the source git clone git://github.com/openitg/openitg.git * How to contribute 1. Create an account at github.com 2. Goto https://github.com/openitg/openitg 3. Click "fork" 4. git clone git@github.com:/openitg.git 5. Edit files... 6. git add for every file you add or edit 7. git commit # now your change is committed locally 8. git push # now your change is pushed to your github 9. From github.org//openitg, click "pull request". Base branch is the branch you want to put your changes on, and head branch is the branch you made your changes to already. 10. Write a short description of your change. Be sure to include the goal, any bugs fixed, features added, etc, and any credit you wish to have. Click "send pull request". * How to build for arcade 1. Choose a location for your chroot: MY_CHROOT=/home/cmyers/chroot 2. Install debootstrap and chroot (on debian/ubuntu, apt-get install chroot debootstrap) 3. Set up chroot, from root dir of source, as the root user, run: ./chroot-arcade.sh `pwd` $MY_CHROOT 4. cd /root/openitg-dev/ && ./build-arcade.sh NOTE: the chroot will be created in the location you choose for MY_CHROOT. This will build an entire Debian Sarge Linux system (the same OS used by arcade machines). This will take approximately 350MB. A full clone of the repo is about 300MB after you build all artifacts, so expect to have at least 650MB of free space to work with. * How to build for home on 32-bit linux: TODO: No chroot necessary, need script to install dependencies on various distributions... * How to build for home on 64-bit linux: TODO: Similar process to arcade, but create 32-bit chroot of modern debian * How to build for home on windows: TODO: Need someone to describe how to build in Visual Studio and produce releases.