Blaze and noscope easter eggs back in for #8. Cut out some old loop commands - things...
authorCameron Ball <>
Mon, 9 Dec 2013 15:50:02 +0000 (23:50 +0800)
committerCameron Ball <>
Mon, 9 Dec 2013 15:50:30 +0000 (23:50 +0800)
Themes/GrooveNights/BGAnimations/ScreenPlayerOptions overlay/default.xml
Themes/GrooveNights/Graphics/ScreenPlayerOptions header.xml
Themes/GrooveNights/Scripts/EasterEggs.lua [new file with mode: 0644]

index e5ebf28..9bdd1fd 100644 (file)
                        File="_eurostile blue glow"
                        InitCommand="%function(self) self:stoptweening(); self:zoom(0.5); self:shadowlength(0); self:x(SCREEN_CENTER_X-200); self:y(SCREEN_CENTER_Y+118); self:maxwidth(140); end"
-                       SpeedModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
-                       RateModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
-                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) self:settext(DisplayBPM(PLAYER_1)) end"
+                       RateModChangedMessageCommand="%function(self) self:settext(DisplayBPM(PLAYER_1)) end"
                        File="_eurostile blue glow"
                        InitCommand="%function(self) self:zoom(0.5); self:shadowlength(0); self:x(SCREEN_CENTER_X-200); self:y(SCREEN_CENTER_Y+134); p1Distance=0; end"
-                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.5;queuecommand,loop;"
+                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.5;"
-                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) self:settext(DisplayScrollSpeed(PLAYER_1)) end"                  
-                       loopCommand="%function(self)
-                       getModP1 = 0;
-                       if setModP1 == nil then
-                               setModP1 = 0;
-                               end
-                       if modStyleP1 == nil then
-                               modStyleP1 = 0;
-                               end
-                       if addModP1 == nil then
-                               addModP1 = 0;
-                               end
-                       if curRate == nil then
-                               curRate = 1;
-                               end
-                       if modStyleP1 == 1 then
-                               if addModP1 <= 1 then
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP1+addModP1)*highBPM*curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP1Speed = setModP1+addModP1..'X';
-                                       gnBlazeP1 = math.ceil((setModP1+addModP1)*highBPM*curRate)
-                                       else
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP1)*highBPM*curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP1Speed = setModP1..'X';
-                                       gnBlazeP1 = math.ceil((setModP1)*highBPM*curRate)
-                                       end
-                               end
-                       if modStyleP1 == 2 then
-                               if addModP1 > 1 then
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP1+addModP1) * curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP1Speed = 'C'..setModP1+addModP1;
-                                       gnBlazeP1 = math.ceil((setModP1+addModP1) * curRate)
-                                       else
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP1) * curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP1Speed = 'C'..setModP1;
-                                       gnBlazeP1 = math.ceil((setModP1) * curRate)
-                                       end
-                               end
-                       end"
+                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) self:settext(DisplayScrollSpeed(PLAYER_1)) end"
+               />
+<!--Blaze It P1 -->
+               <BitmapText
+                       Text="Blaze It!"
+                       Condition="GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_1)"
+                       File="_eurostile blue glow"
+                       InitCommand="zoom,0.65; shadowlength,0; x,SCREEN_CENTER_X-303; y,SCREEN_CENTER_Y;diffusealpha,0"
+                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.65;rainbow;"
+                       SpeedModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       RateModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) if IsBlazed(PLAYER_1) then self:diffusealpha(1) else self:diffusealpha(0) end end"
+               />
+<!--No Scope P1 -->            
+               <BitmapText
+                       Text="No Scope!"
+                       Condition="GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_1)"
+                       File="_eurostile blue glow"
+                       InitCommand="zoom,0.65; shadowlength,0; x,SCREEN_CENTER_X-303; y,SCREEN_CENTER_Y+100;diffusealpha,0"
+                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.65;rainbow;"
+                       SpeedModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       RateModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) if IsNoScoped(PLAYER_1) then self:diffusealpha(1) else self:diffusealpha(0) end end"
 <!--Step Artists P1-->
                        File="_eurostile blue glow"
                        InitCommand="%function(self)  self:zoom(0.5); self:shadowlength(0); self:x(SCREEN_CENTER_X+119); self:y(SCREEN_CENTER_Y+134); end"
-                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.5;queuecommand,loop;"
+                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.5;"
                        UpdateCommand="%function(self) self:settext(DisplayScrollSpeed(PLAYER_2)) end"                  
-                       loopCommand="%function(self)
-                       getModP2 = 0;
-                       if setModP2 == nil then
-                               setModP2 = 0;
-                               end
-                       if modStyleP2 == nil then
-                               modStyleP2 = 0;
-                               end
-                       if addModP2 == nil then
-                               addModP2 = 0;
-                               end
-                       if curRate == nil then
-                               curRate = 1;
-                               end
-                       if modStyleP2 == 1 then
-                               if addModP2 <= 1 then
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP2+addModP2)*highBPM*curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP2Speed = setModP2+addModP2..'X';
-                                       gnBlazeP2 = math.ceil((setModP2+addModP2)*highBPM*curRate)
-                                       else
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP2)*highBPM*curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP2Speed = setModP2..'X';
-                                       gnBlazeP2 = math.ceil((setModP2)*highBPM*curRate)
-                                       end
-                               end
-                       if modStyleP2 == 2 then
-                               if addModP2 > 1 then
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP2+addModP2) * curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP2Speed = 'C'..setModP2+addModP2;
-                                       gnBlazeP2 = math.ceil((setModP2+addModP2) * curRate)
-                                       else
-                                       self:settext(''..math.ceil((setModP2) * curRate)..'');
-                                       gnP2Speed = 'C'..setModP2;
-                                       gnBlazeP2 = math.ceil((setModP2) * curRate)
-                                       end
-                               end
-                       end"
+<!--Blaze It P2 -->
+               <BitmapText
+                       Text="Blaze It!"
+                       Condition="GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_2)"
+                       File="_eurostile blue glow"
+                       InitCommand="zoom,0.65; shadowlength,0; x,SCREEN_CENTER_X+303; y,SCREEN_CENTER_Y;diffusealpha,0"
+                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.65;rainbow;"
+                       SpeedModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       RateModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) if IsBlazed(PLAYER_2) then self:diffusealpha(1) else self:diffusealpha(0) end end"
+               />
+<!--No Scope P2 -->            
+               <BitmapText
+                       Text="No Scope!"
+                       Condition="GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_2)"
+                       File="_eurostile blue glow"
+                       InitCommand="zoom,0.65; shadowlength,0; x,SCREEN_CENTER_X+303; y,SCREEN_CENTER_Y+100;diffusealpha,0"
+                       OnCommand="horizalign,left;zoom,0.65;rainbow;"
+                       SpeedModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       RateModChangedMessageCommand="queuecommand,Update"
+                       UpdateCommand="%function(self) if IsNoScoped(PLAYER_2) then self:diffusealpha(1) else self:diffusealpha(0) end end"
+               />
 <!--Step Artists P2-->
index 6ff9192..59be836 100644 (file)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ end">
                        Condition="GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_1) and ShowArrowIndicators()"
-                       InitCommand="hidden,1;x,SCREEN_CENTER_X-310+18;y,-500;zoom,0.9;rotationz,90;queuecommand,Update;"
+                       InitCommand="hidden,1;x,SCREEN_CENTER_X-310+18;y,-500;zoom,0.9;rotationz,90;"
                                p1y = p1Target + 550;
@@ -112,84 +112,12 @@ end">
-                       UpdateCommand="%function(self)
-                       self:stoptweening();
-                       if gnScreenEdit == false then
-                               p1y = self:GetY();
-                               p1Target = 112;
-                               if p1y < p1Target then
-                                               self:queuecommand('Reset');
-                                       else
-                                               self:rotationz(90);
-                                               self:zoom(1);
-                                               self:diffusealpha(1);
-                                               for getModP1=0, 100, 5 do
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,''..getModP1..'% stealth') then 
-                                                               self:diffusealpha(1-(getModP1/100));
-                                                               end
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,''..getModP1..'% mini') then 
-                                                               if getModP1 == 0 then
-                                                                       self:zoom(1);
-                                                                       else
-                                                                       self:zoom(1-0.5*(getModP1/100));
-                                                                       end                                                     
-                                                               end
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,''..-1*getModP1..'% mini') then 
-                                                               if getModP1 == 0 then
-                                                                       self:zoom(1);
-                                                                       else
-                                                                       self:zoom(1-0.5*(-1*getModP1/100));
-                                                                       end                                                     
-                                                               end
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,'no stealth') then 
-                                                               self:diffusealpha(1);
-                                                               end
-                                                       end
-                                               self:y(p1y);
-                                               p1Travelled = p1y - p1Target;
-                                               p1Travelled = (p1Travelled/p1Distance)-1;
-                                               self:linear(0.45/30);
-                                               stretchP1 = self:GetZoom();
-                                               stretchP1 = 2 - stretchP1;
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,'overhead') then 
-                                               stretchP1 = stretchP1 + 0.1;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,'hallway') then 
-                                               stretchP1 = stretchP1 + 0.5;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,'distant') then 
-                                               stretchP1 = stretchP1 + 0.3;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,'incoming') then 
-                                               stretchP1 = stretchP1 + 0.4;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_1,'space') then 
-                                               stretchP1 = stretchP1 + 0.4;
-                                               end
-                                               if setModP1 > 15 then
-                                                               if addModP1 > 1 then
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP1+addModP1)*curRate)/(stretchP1));
-                                                               else
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP1)*curRate)/(stretchP1));
-                                                               end
-                                                       else
-                                                               if addModP1 <= 1 then
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP1+addModP1)*highBPM*curRate)/(stretchP1));
-                                                               else
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP1)*highBPM*curRate)/(stretchP1));
-                                                               end
-                                                       end
-                                               self:addy((transition/60)*-1);
-                                       end
-                                       self:queuecommand('Update');
-                               end
-                       end"
                        Condition="GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_2) and ShowArrowIndicators()"
-                       InitCommand="hidden,1;x,SCREEN_CENTER_X+238+18;y,-500;zoom,0.9;rotationz,-90;queuecommand,Update;"
+                       InitCommand="hidden,1;x,SCREEN_CENTER_X+238+18;y,-500;zoom,0.9;rotationz,-90;"
                                p2y = p2Target + 550;
@@ -203,78 +131,6 @@ end">
-                       UpdateCommand="%function(self)
-                       self:stoptweening();
-                       if gnScreenEdit == false then
-                               p2y = self:GetY();
-                               p2Target = 112;
-                               if p2y < p2Target then
-                                               self:queuecommand('Reset');
-                                       else
-                                               self:rotationz(-90);
-                                               self:zoom(1);
-                                               self:diffusealpha(1);
-                                               for getModP2=0, 100, 5 do
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,''..getModP2..'% stealth') then 
-                                                               self:diffusealpha(1-(getModP2/100));
-                                                               end
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,''..getModP2..'% mini') then 
-                                                               if getModP2 == 0 then
-                                                                       self:zoom(1);
-                                                                       else
-                                                                       self:zoom(1-0.5*(getModP2/100));
-                                                                       end                                                     
-                                                               end
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,''..-1*getModP2..'% mini') then 
-                                                               if getModP2 == 0 then
-                                                                       self:zoom(1);
-                                                                       else
-                                                                       self:zoom(1-0.5*(-1*getModP2/100));
-                                                                       end                                                     
-                                                               end
-                                                       if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,'no stealth') then 
-                                                               self:diffusealpha(1);
-                                                               end
-                                                       end
-                                               self:y(p2y);
-                                               p2Travelled = p2y - p2Target;
-                                               p2Travelled = (p2Travelled/p2Distance)-1;
-                                               self:linear(0.45/30);
-                                               stretchP2 = self:GetZoom();
-                                               stretchP2 = 2 - stretchP2;
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,'overhead') then 
-                                               stretchP2 = stretchP2 + 0.1;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,'hallway') then 
-                                               stretchP2 = stretchP2 + 0.5;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,'distant') then 
-                                               stretchP2 = stretchP2 + 0.3;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,'incoming') then 
-                                               stretchP2 = stretchP2 + 0.4;
-                                               end
-                                               if GAMESTATE:PlayerIsUsingModifier(PLAYER_2,'space') then 
-                                               stretchP2 = stretchP2 + 0.4;
-                                               end
-                                               if setModP2 > 15 then
-                                                               if addModP2 > 1 then
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP2+addModP2)*curRate)/(stretchP2));
-                                                               else
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP2)*curRate)/(stretchP2));
-                                                               end
-                                                       else
-                                                               if addModP2 <= 1 then
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP2+addModP2)*highBPM*curRate)/(stretchP2));
-                                                               else
-                                                               transition = math.floor(((setModP2)*highBPM*curRate)/(stretchP2));
-                                                               end
-                                                       end
-                                               self:addy((transition/60)*-1);
-                                       end
-                               self:queuecommand('Update');
-                               end
-                       end"
diff --git a/Themes/GrooveNights/Scripts/EasterEggs.lua b/Themes/GrooveNights/Scripts/EasterEggs.lua
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..15cd760
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function IsBlazed(pn)\r
+       if DisplayScrollSpeed(pn) == '420' then return true end\r
+               \r
+       return false\r
+function IsNoScoped(pn)\r
+       if DisplayScrollSpeed(pn) == '360' then return true end\r
+               \r
+       return false\r
\ No newline at end of file
index 94b5066..0158902 100644 (file)
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ function DisplayBPM(pn)
     if highBPM ~= "" then highScrollBPM = math.floor(highBPM * rateMod) end
-    if highBPM == "" then return lowScrollBPM else return lowScrollBPM .. "-" .. highScrollBPM end
+    if highBPM == "" then return tostring(lowScrollBPM) else return lowScrollBPM .. "-" .. highScrollBPM end
 function DisplayScrollSpeed(pn)
@@ -488,5 +488,5 @@ function DisplayScrollSpeed(pn)
     if highBPM ~= "" then highScrollBPM = math.floor(highBPM *speedMod * rateMod) end
-    if highBPM == "" then return lowScrollBPM else return lowScrollBPM .. "-" .. highScrollBPM end
+    if highBPM == "" then return tostring(lowScrollBPM) else return lowScrollBPM .. "-" .. highScrollBPM end
\ No newline at end of file