Allow updating with null objects.
[rock.divinelegy.git] / DataAccess / DataMapper / Helpers / AbstractPopulationHelper.php
1 <?php
3 namespace DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers;
5 use Exception;
7 class AbstractPopulationHelper
8 {
11 const REFERENCE_BACK = 2;
12 const REFERENCE_SELF = 3;
13 const QUERY_TYPE_UPDATE = 'update';
14 const QUERY_TYPE_CREATE = 'create';
16 static function getConstrutorArray($maps, $entity, $row, $db)
17 {
18 $constructors = array();
20 foreach($maps[$entity]['maps'] as $constructor => $mapsHelper)
21 {
22 switch(get_class($mapsHelper))
23 {
24 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\IntMapsHelper':
25 if(!empty($row[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()]) && (string)(int)$row[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()] != $row[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()]) throw new Exception('Expected numeric value.');
26 $constructors[$constructor] = (int)$row[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()];
27 break;
28 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VarcharMapsHelper':
29 $constructors[$constructor] = $row[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()];
30 break;
31 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VOMapsHelper':
32 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VOArrayMapsHelper':
33 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\EntityMapsHelper':
34 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\EntityArrayMapsHelper':
35 $constructors[$constructor] = $mapsHelper->populate($maps, $db, $entity, $row);
36 break;
37 }
38 }
39 return $constructors;
40 }
42 static function generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $entity, $id, $db, &$queries = array(), $extraColumns = array(), $mapsIndex = null)
43 {
44 $entityMapsIndex = isset($mapsIndex) ? $mapsIndex : self::getMapsNameFromEntityObject($entity, $maps);
46 if($id)
47 {
48 $query = sprintf('update %s set ', $maps[$entityMapsIndex]['table']);
49 } else {
50 $queryColumnNamesAndValues = array();
51 }
53 foreach($maps[$entityMapsIndex]['maps'] as $mapsHelper)
54 {
55 $accessor = $mapsHelper->getAccessor();
56 $property = isset($entity) ? $entity->{$accessor}() : null;
58 //sometimes children objects will be null, e.g., the banner for a simfile
59 //just skip them.
60 //Tricky: only skip when we're making a new entity. In the case of
61 //existing ones we need to cater for null objects. For example a user
62 //might change their country to null.
63 if((!is_null($property) || (is_null($property) && $id)))
64 {
65 switch(get_class($mapsHelper))
66 {
67 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VOMapsHelper':
68 //we have a vo. Determine which way the reference is
69 //
70 //TODO: This is how I used to do this, but it failed if the property was NULL.
71 //I dunno if I will have to do a similar thing with entity references (next case block)
72 //but I'm leaving this here as a reminder if I ever have to come back to thiat.
73 //
74 //Notice I also added mapsIndex to the generateUpdateSaveQuery thing, that's important.
75 //When I call it in this case block you can see I added voMapsIndex as that argument.
76 //God I hope I can remember this stuff in the future.
77 //$voMapsIndex = self::getMapsNameFromEntityObject($property, $maps);
78 $voMapsIndex = $mapsHelper->getVOName();
79 $refDir = self::getReferenceDirection(
80 $maps[$entityMapsIndex]['table'],
81 $maps[$voMapsIndex]['table'],
82 $entityMapsIndex,
83 $mapsHelper->getTableName(),
84 $db);
86 switch($refDir)
87 {
88 // our table stores their ID, all we do is update
89 // our reference.
90 case self::REFERENCE_FORWARD:
91 $voTableId = self::findVOInDB($maps, $voMapsIndex, $property, $db);
93 if($id)
94 {
95 $query .= sprintf('%s=%u, ',
96 strtolower($mapsHelper->getTableName() . '_id'),
97 $voTableId);
98 } else {
99 // we have a forward reference to a value object.
100 // see if it exists first:
101 if($voTableId)
102 {
103 $queryColumnNamesAndValues[strtolower($mapsHelper->getTableName() . '_id')] = $voTableId;
104 } else {
105 //make a note that this field will need the id from another
106 self::generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $property, NULL, $db, $queries);
107 $queryColumnNamesAndValues[strtolower($mapsHelper->getTableName() . '_id')] = '%INDEX_REF_' . (count($queries)-1) . '%';
108 }
109 }
111 break;
112 case self::REFERENCE_SELF:
113 //no need to find ids, but we need the
114 //column names
115 $columns = self::resolveColumnNamesAndValues($maps, $property);
116 foreach($columns as $columnName=>$columnValue)
117 {
118 if($id)
119 {
120 //TODO: logic to detemine what the value is? i.e., string, int etc?
121 $query .= sprintf('%s="%s", ',
122 $columnName,
123 $columnValue
124 );
125 } else {
126 //TODO: logic to detemine what the value is? i.e., string, int etc?
127 $queryColumnNamesAndValues[$columnName] = $db->quote($columnValue);
128 }
129 }
131 break;
132 case self::REFERENCE_BACK:
133 $voId = self::findVOInDB($maps,
134 $voMapsIndex,
135 $property,
136 $db,
137 array(strtolower($entityMapsIndex . '_id') => $id));
138 if($voId)
139 {
140 self::generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $property, $voId, $db, $queries, null, $voMapsIndex);
141 } else {
142 $extra = array(strtolower($entityMapsIndex . '_id') => '%MAIN_QUERY_ID%');
143 self::generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $property, NULL, $db, $queries, $extra, $voMapsIndex);
144 }
145 break;
146 }
148 break;
150 // We should never update referenced entities, the db
151 // should always store an ID as a reference to them.
152 //
153 // In the case where we cannot find the entity in the database,
154 // throw an exception ?
155 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\EntityMapsHelper':
156 $subEntityMapsIndex = self::getMapsNameFromEntityObject($property, $maps);
157 $refDir = self::getReferenceDirection(
158 $maps[$entityMapsIndex]['table'],
159 $maps[$subEntityMapsIndex]['table'],
160 $entityMapsIndex,
161 $mapsHelper->getTableName(),
162 $db);
164 switch($refDir)
165 {
166 // our table stores their ID, all we do is update
167 // our reference.
168 case self::REFERENCE_FORWARD:
169 if($property->getId())
170 {
171 // we exist in db already, update our reference
172 if($id)
173 {
174 $query .= sprintf('%s=%u, ',
175 //strtolower($mapsHelper->getEntityName() . '_id'),
176 strtolower($mapsHelper->getTableName() . '_id'),
177 $property->getId());
178 } else {
179 //not in db yet. make new ref
180 //$queryColumnNamesAndValues[strtolower($mapsHelper->getEntityName() . '_id')] = $property->getId();
181 $queryColumnNamesAndValues[strtolower($mapsHelper->getTableName() . '_id')] = $property->getId();
182 }
183 } else {
184 // The entity we care about references an entity that
185 // has not yet been saved.
186 //
187 // TODO: Should we _try_ to save it? Or should
188 // it be enforced that entites already exist in the db?
189 // In the case of something like referencing a user entity,
190 // then for sure the user should already be saved because
191 // it makes no sense to assign a user at the time of simfile
192 // upload, they should have already completed the process.
193 // but could there be other entities where it does make sense
194 // for them to be created at the time of something else ?
195 throw new Exception(sprintf(
196 'Could not find referenced entity, %s, in the database. Has it been saved yet?',
197 $mapsHelper->getEntityName()));
198 }
199 break;
200 }
201 break;
202 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\IntMapsHelper':
203 if($id)
204 {
205 //easy case, plain values in our table.
206 $query .= sprintf('%s=%u, ',
207 $mapsHelper->getColumnName(),
208 $property);
209 } else {
210 if(is_bool($property))
211 {
212 $property = ($property) ? '1' : '0';
213 }
214 $queryColumnNamesAndValues[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()] = $property;
215 }
216 break;
217 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VarcharMapsHelper':
218 //XXX: pls magically fix all my character encoding issues.
219 $property = isset($property) ? mb_convert_encoding($property, "UTF-8", mb_detect_encoding($property, "UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15", true)) : NULL;
220 if($id){
221 //easy case, plain values in our table.
222 if(isset($property))
223 {
224 $query .= sprintf('%s="%s", ',
225 $mapsHelper->getColumnName(),
226 $property);
227 } else {
228 $query .= sprintf('%s=NULL, ',
229 $mapsHelper->getColumnName());
230 }
231 } else {
232 $queryColumnNamesAndValues[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()] = $db->quote($property);
233 }
235 break;
237 // I am making a bit of an assumption here. In my mind it only
238 // makes sense for an array of VOs to be stored in a different
239 // table in the DB since the main row can't possibly store
240 // different objects.
241 //
242 // in that regard, the way this works is that mapVOArrayToIds
243 // simply queries the DB and returns the VO ids in order then
244 // I assume that the object also has them in the same order
245 // (which it will if it is pulled out by this mapper.
246 //
247 // in the case of setting up a new entity, the VOs should never
248 // exist in the first place, so we just make them.
249 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VOArrayMapsHelper':
250 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\EntityArrayMapsHelper':
251 if($id && isset($property[0]))
252 {
253 // If we assume that all elements in the array are the same then
254 // we can just use the first one to figure out which maps entry to use
256 $subEntityMapsIndex = self::getMapsNameFromEntityObject($property[0], $maps);
257 //TODO: I think this function will work with Entities too, but I should probably rename it at some point
258 $voIds = self::mapVOArrayToIds($maps[$subEntityMapsIndex]['table'],
259 array(strtolower($entityMapsIndex . '_id'), $id),
260 $db);
262 foreach($property as $index => $propertyArrayElement)
263 {
264 //XXX: I wanted this to only run on VOs, not entities. But there's a problem with that.
265 //when creating a pack, the simfile entities need to reference the pack, and the only way for
266 //that to happen is here. What I do instead is check that the entity has an id (which implies
267 //it has already been created and save) if it is a IDivineEntity. If it doesn't, complain.
268 //this ensures consistent behaviour with other parts of this mapper.
269 if($property instanceof \Domain\Entities\IDivineEntity && !$property->getId())
270 {
271 throw new Exception(sprintf(
272 'Could not find referenced entity, %s, in the database. Has it been saved yet?',
273 $mapsHelper->getEntityName()));
274 }
276 $extra = array(strtolower($entityMapsIndex . '_id') => $id);
277 if(isset($voIds[$index]))
278 {
279 self::generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $propertyArrayElement, $voIds[$index], $db, $queries, $extra);
280 } else {
281 self::generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $propertyArrayElement, NULL, $db, $queries, $extra);
282 }
283 }
285 break;
286 } else {
287 foreach($property as $propertyArrayElement)
288 {
289 //XXX: I wanted this to only run on VOs, not entities. But there's a problem with that.
290 //when creating a pack, the simfile entities need to reference the pack, and the only way for
291 //that to happen is here. What I do instead is check that the entity has an id (which implies
292 //it has already been created and save) if it is a IDivineEntity. If it doesn't, complain.
293 //this ensures consistent behaviour with other parts of this mapper.
294 if($property instanceof \Domain\Entities\IDivineEntity && !$property->getId())
295 {
296 throw new Exception(sprintf(
297 'Could not find referenced entity, %s, in the database. Has it been saved yet?',
298 $mapsHelper->getEntityName()));
299 }
301 // TODO: TRICKY! Since this is a back-reference, it
302 // needs the ID of the object we're trying to save
303 // to complete
304 $extra = array(strtolower($entityMapsIndex . '_id') => '%MAIN_QUERY_ID%');
305 self::generateUpdateSaveQuery($maps, $propertyArrayElement, NULL, $db, $queries, $extra);
306 }
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 if($id)
313 {
314 $queryColumnNamesAndValues = @$queryColumnNamesAndValues ?: array();
315 $queries[] = array('id' => $id, 'prepared' => $query, 'table' => $maps[$entityMapsIndex]['table'], 'columns' => $queryColumnNamesAndValues);
316 } else {
317 $queryColumnNamesAndValues = array_merge($queryColumnNamesAndValues, $extraColumns);
318 $queries[] = array('table' => $maps[$entityMapsIndex]['table'], 'columns' => $queryColumnNamesAndValues);
319 }
321 return $queries;
322 }
324 static private function getMapsNameFromEntityObject($entity, $maps)
325 {
326 //todo maybe check that $entity is vo or entity
328 $classname = get_class($entity);
329 foreach ($maps as $entityName => $map)
330 {
331 if($map['class'] == $classname)
332 {
333 return $entityName;
334 }
335 }
336 }
338 static private function getReferenceDirection($tableA, $tableB, $nameA, $nameB, $db)
339 {
340 //TODO: check if tables are the same and return a constant for that
341 //echo '!!! ' . $tableA . ' needs ' . $nameB . ' : ' . $tableB . ' needs ' . $nameA . ' !!!<br />';
342 $dbName = $db->query('select database()')->fetchColumn();
343 if($tableA === $tableB)
344 {
345 return self::REFERENCE_SELF;
346 }
348 // first look in table A for a reference to B
349 $statement = $db->prepare(sprintf(
351 $dbName,
352 $tableA));
354 $statement->execute();
355 $rows = $statement->fetchAll();
357 //print_r($rows);
359 foreach($rows as $row)
360 {
361 if($row['COLUMN_NAME'] == strtolower($nameB . '_id'))
362 {
363 return self::REFERENCE_FORWARD;
364 }
365 }
367 // now look in table b for a reference to a
368 $statement = $db->prepare(sprintf(
370 $dbName,
371 $tableB));
373 $statement->execute();
374 $rows = $statement->fetchAll();
376 foreach($rows as $row)
377 {
378 if($row['COLUMN_NAME'] == strtolower($nameA . '_id'))
379 {
380 return self::REFERENCE_BACK;
381 }
382 }
383 }
385 // can use this when we reference a VO
386 static public function findVOInDB($maps, $mapsIndex, $VO, $db, $extraColumns = array())
387 {
388 //$mapsIndex = self::getMapsNameFromEntityObject($VO, $maps);
389 $table = $maps[$mapsIndex]['table'];
391 //TODO: This may break everythign, but I _think_ if I pass extraColuns, it is always an id column.
392 //I also think that this method is only called when we are trying to work out a VO (NOT a VOArray)
393 //in which case there should be one unique row somewhere in the database that corresponds to the VO
394 //we want, in that case we can just find it by id. Throwing in more columns causes issues trying to
395 //update an existing VO because it uses the values of the current object, which we are trying to save,
396 //so it never finds the existing row and therefore makes a whole new one, which ruins everything.
397 if($extraColumns)
398 {
399 $columns = $extraColumns;
400 } else {
401 //I only had this before, I think I don't actually need to do this merge but I'm leaving it incase
402 $columns = array_merge(self::resolveColumnNamesAndValues($maps, $VO), $extraColumns);
403 }
405 $query = "SELECT * FROM $table where ";
407 foreach($columns as $columnName => $columnValue)
408 {
409 $columnValue = $db->quote($columnValue);
410 $query .= sprintf('%s=%s AND ', $columnName, str_replace('"', '\"', $columnValue));
411 }
413 $query = substr($query, 0, -4);
415 $statement = $db->prepare($query);
416 $statement->execute();
417 $row = $statement->fetch();
419 return $row['id'];
420 }
422 // this will figure out what columns belong to an entity and
423 // map the column names to the current entity values
424 static public function resolveColumnNamesAndValues($maps, $entity, $originalTable = null, &$columnNamesAndValues = array())
425 {
426 $mapsIndex = self::getMapsNameFromEntityObject($entity, $maps);
428 // This is the name of the table that the current object
429 // we are looking at belongs to. We need to compare this
430 // to original table to decide what to do.
431 $currentTable = $maps[$mapsIndex]['table'];
433 if(!$originalTable)
434 {
435 // this will be the table that the VO we care about is stored in
436 // we check all future values to make sure they belong to this table.
437 // on the first pass we pull it out, and then on subsequent passes
438 // it should come in through the function call.
439 $originalTable = $currentTable;
440 }
442 foreach($maps[$mapsIndex]['maps'] as $mapsHelper)
443 {
444 switch(get_class($mapsHelper))
445 {
446 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VOMapsHelper':
447 $accessor = $mapsHelper->getAccessor();
448 $VO = $entity->{$accessor}();
449 self::resolveColumnNamesAndValues($maps, $VO, $originalTable, $columnNamesAndValues);
450 break;
451 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\VarcharMapsHelper':
452 case 'DataAccess\DataMapper\Helpers\IntMapsHelper':
453 //is plain value.
455 if($currentTable == $originalTable)
456 {
457 //It also keeps values in our table. Saving.
458 $accessor = $mapsHelper->getAccessor();
459 $value = $entity->{$accessor}();
461 $columnNamesAndValues[$mapsHelper->getColumnName()] = $value;
462 } else {
463 //It does not store values in our table
464 //TODO: Should I try check if our table references the id of the record in the other table?
465 }
466 break;
467 }
468 }
470 return $columnNamesAndValues;
471 }
473 // When we have VO arrays, it should be the case that there is another
474 // table that references us. If we assume entries are in the db in the
475 // same order they are in the array, it should be possible to map them up.
476 // This way we can update existing VO entries instead of deleting and
477 // making new ones. And if there are VOs where we can't get an ID, that
478 // means we have to make a new one.
479 //
480 // Assumption: Array contains entries of all the same type
481 static public function mapVOArrayToIds($voTable, $columnToMatch, $db)
482 {
483 $query = sprintf('SELECT id from %s WHERE %s=%u',
484 $voTable,
485 $columnToMatch[0],
486 $columnToMatch[1]);
488 $statement = $db->prepare($query);
489 $statement->execute();
490 $rows = $statement->fetchAll();
492 $map = array();
494 foreach($rows as $row)
495 {
496 $map[] = $row['id'];
497 }
499 return $map;
500 }
501 }
503 //go off and resolve all column names for this table recursively
504 //do a check to make sure the VO we are investigating is in the same table
505 // -if it is: good, record its column name and value
506 // -if it isn't, we need to find this next VO in the db and record its ID as our column value
507 // -assuming a forward reference (IE our table has a column called voname_id.
508 // -if it doesn't, then we don't have to worry about it